How many tablespoons in a cup
There are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup.
Calculation formula
It is very easy to convert cups to tablespoons. Simply multiply the cup value by 16 to get the value in tablespoons. For example, if we want to calculate how many tablespoons are in one cup, multiply 1 cup by 16; hence, there are 16 tablespoons in one cup.
convert tablespoons in a cup
Common tablespoon in cup conversions
You can use our cups to tablespoons converter to convert any cup value to a tablespoon value.
Using this converter, you can get an answer for the below queries:
How many tablespoons in 1/4 cup
There are 4 tablespoons in 1/4 cup
How many tablespoons in 1/2 cup
There are 8 tablespoons in 1/2 cup
How many tablespoons in 1/3 cup
There are 5.33 tablespoons in 1/3 cup
How many tablespoons in 3/4 cup
There are 12 tablespoons in 3/4 cup
How many tablespoons in 2/3 cup
There are 10.67 tablespoons in 2/3 cup
How many tablespoons in 1/8 cup
There are 2 tablespoons in 1/8 cup
Cups to tablespoon conversion Table
Cups | Teaspoons | Tablespoons | Fluid Ounces | Gallons |
1 | 48 | 16 | 8 | 1/128 |
3/4 | 36 | 12 | 6 | 3/128 |
2/3 | 32 | 10 2/3 | 4 2/3 | 2/128 |
1/2 | 24 | 8 | 4 | 1/64 |
1/3 | 16 | 5 1/3 | 2 1/3 | 1/96 |
1/4 | 12 | 4 | 2 | 1/64 |
1/6 | 8 | 2 2/3 | 1 1/3 | 1/192 |
1/8 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1/256 |
1/16 | 3 | 1 | 1/2 | 1/512 |
Why do you need a cup to tablespoon converter?
If you’re watching a food recipe video on YouTube or another platform, and the person teaching the recipe says, “We’ll use one cup of cornflour for four people,” but you want to test the recipe for just one person, you’ll need to adjust the amount of cornflour, accordingly, measuring it in tablespoons. In this situation, having a cup to tablespoons converter can be incredibly useful.
Sometimes it may happen that the recipe requires adding any ingredient in fractions for example adding 2/3 cups of olive oil and you don’t know.
how many tablespoons is 3/4 cups.
Here our cups to tablespoons converter can be very helpful and will tell you that 3/4 cups equal to 12 tablespoons.
Define a tablespoon.
A tablespoon is primarily used for measuring volume in baking and cooking. Tablespoons are often referred to as “tbsp” and belong to the U.S. customary system of measurement. As per this system, one tablespoon is equivalent to 14.8, or approximately 15 milliliters. The size of a tablespoon varies across the world. For instance, in the United States, a tablespoon typically measures 15 milliliters, while in Australia, it is approximately 20 milliliters.
In European countries, tablespoons are not commonly used as a reference in cooking. Instead, ingredient volumes are typically measured in ounces and milliliters.
Overall, the size of a tablespoon can differ depending on the country’s culinary traditions and measurement systems.
Define a cup.
A cup is a unit of measurement used for volume, commonly used in cooking to denote serving sizes. A cup is half a pint, and a cup equals eight ounces. Most of the cooking recipes use either tablespoons or cups for measurements. If you are fond of cooking and love learning new
recipes every other day, you must be well acquainted with terms like tablespoons and cups. The relationship between cups and tablespoons is that 1 cup equals 16 tablespoons.
Define a teaspoon.
A teaspoon, often referred to as “tsp,” is used for measuring smaller quantities of ingredients in cooking. Three teaspoons make up one tablespoon, and one teaspoon is approximately equal to 5 milliliters.